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How to live as a Digital Nomad on the Mediterranean coast

Catalonia is becoming a centerpiece of the Digital workers’ European roadmap, and I’m not talking about Barcelona only!

Many cities surrounding Barcelona are also becoming great solutions for people who travel the world: Hospitalet de Llobregat, Tarragona, Lléida, Terrassa, Sabadell, etc.

Catalonia is great for Digital remote workers because of its growing economic independent status as one of the richest autonomous countries in Spain and it is also very close to France and Sardinia that “share” part of the Catalan culture with Spain. The possibilities are plenty, and so are the opportunities.

Options for a couple of days or longer stays

The first option in everybody’s mind is, of course, Airbnb! But the range of prices depends on the season and flat owners aren’t always fully available during your stay and you might feel left alone. You can then work from almost any cafe or even settle for a coworking space for a few days! You could also go to hotels but it might not feel “like home” during your stay…

But we have a solution : Coliving. In a Coliving, you’ll be taken care of as if you were at your grandmother’s house. It’s often cheaper than your average Airbnb, and you might find some at the heart of big cities or you can find one like Coasis! It’s remote from big and touristic Barcelona and it works like a coworking space also. Plan to stay a day? a week? a month? Stay as long as you want!

The traveling communities you didn’t know existed in Barcelona

As I said earlier, Catalonia is one of the richest autonomous communities in Spain, so it’s easy to say that with great European scaled Events throughout the year, Barcelona is an emerging digital hub with an event like the Mobile World Congress being hosted in Barcelona for the past seven years in February… So you guessed it, the presence of Digital Nomads on Social Media is extremely dense here! Facebook groups, MeetUps, here are a few things worth taking a look at:

You’re in Spain for a while? Try the “Digital Nomads Spain” Facebook group!

Want to meet new people in an unusual place? Try Techtribe’s own “Startup my Rooftop” Facebook group!

At the end of the day, just know that everything you want to find is available in Barcelona

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